Enterprise TIPS


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10 Hacks of Customer-Centric Enterprise Product Managers

Peter Krmpotic has identified two qualities of enterprise product managers that are especially customer-centric. “The first quality is about laying foundations and the second is about finishing touches.” Peter describes these traits and provides ten hacks you can use to exhibit those traits and have a positive impact on your customers. (via @PeterKrmpotic)

Product management for the enterprise

 “The large majority of product management resources out there are heavily geared towards consumer technology. The explosion of consumer web companies, particularly in Silicon Valley, and the resulting organizational norms that have emerged and spread have created this large and expanding crop of consumer product managers who are eagerly defining their field as they go along.” Blair Reeves is an enterprise software product manager and loves all this stuff, yet he also struggles to apply a lot of it to his situation. Blair wrote this article to explain the difference between enterprise software and consumer software and why that difference matters. (via @BlairReeves)

Consumer vs enterprise product management — mind the difference?  

As Pritam Roy transitioned from consumer to enterprise product management, he “realized how different things are, and why PMs need a differentiated approach for enterprise landscape. Enterprise products are hard to build and even harder to scale and manage.” In this post he discusses the problems that small to growing enterprise companies encounter. (via @pritt07)

Product Management for the Enterprise

The large majority of product management resources out there are heavily geared towards consumer technology. The explosion of consumer web companies, particularly in Silicon Valley, and the resulting organizational norms that have emerged and spread have created this large and expanding crop of consumer product managers who are eagerly defining their field as they go along.” Blair Reeves is an enterprise software product manager and loves all this stuff, yet he also struggles to apply a lot of it to his situation. Blair wrote this article to explain the difference between enterprise software and consumer software and why that difference matters. (via @BlairReeves)

Consumer vs. Enterprise Product Management — Mind the Difference?

Pritam Roy transitioned from consumer to enterprise product management, he “realized how different things are, and why PMs need a differentiated approach for enterprise landscape. Enterprise products are hard to build and even harder to scale and manage.” In this post he discusses the problems that small to growing enterprise companies encounter.

The Challenges of Enterprise Product Management

Enterprise products are hard to build and even harder to scale and manage.” Sheshank Sridharan describes the pitfalls that you can run into when working on an enterprise product and what to do about it. He also notes that many of problems he described apply to small companies “trying to scale or break into a market and may not be applicable to large companies with established products and lines of business (Read as IBM, Oracle, SAP etc.).”

Understanding Enterprise Product Companies

“Companies building enterprise tech products are different from companies building mass consumer tech.  Large-ticket deals, long sales cycles, name-and-face customer relationships, and complex buying processes shape what we build and how we bring it to market. Having a hundred customers each spending $1M/yr is a radical departure from a million customers each spending $100/yr.” Rich Mironov led a lively session about how the characteristics of enterprise customers. He also wrote an article on the same topic.

10 Hacks of Customer-Centric Enterprise Product Managers

Peter Krmpotic has identified two qualities of enterprise product managers that are especially customer-centric. “The first quality is about laying foundations and the second is about finishing touches.” Peter describes these traits and provides ten hacks you can use to exhibit those traits and have a positive impact on your customers. (via @PeterKrmpotic)